Happy birthday! Andy n I have been trying to call you ALL day to tell you that but you haven't been home. Doing stuff with yer family, I guess.
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! That makes you...what? 16 now? Ah, sweet 16. You should go get laid or someth - I...didn't say that. You didn't hear me tell you that. *Jedi hand wave* But yeah, hope you have/had a great birthday!
*Cue the mush that is obligatory cause it's yer b-day and if you skip over and don't read it I'll shove something painful somewhere painful. Just so we're clear. >D* You really are a great friend, Mike. I can't really be all touchy feely with you like I can with Fu n Ko...er...well, at least Fu. XD But it's way fun to just hang around with you and play Halo or L4D or Soul Calibur or Mario Kart or....you get it. I also like going up to the school with you and just kinda dicking around. Pretty much anything we all do together is fun. XDDD
But yeah, so hope your b-day is/was great and here's to many many more. *raises can of Dr. Pepper in salute*
Love, Jess
P.S. Andy says everything I said too. Cept maybe not the mushy parts. XDD